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Brindar apoyo gratuito durante el embarazo, parto y  postparto a las personas de color embarazadas

Somos una organización sin fines de lucro 501c3 fundada en

Austin, TX por un colectivo de mamás negras e hispanas decididas a hacer un cambio.


Brindamos atención prenatal y posnatal de calidad y con resonancia cultural en Austin y el condado de Travis.



Para mejorar los resultados del embarazo y el parto para las comunidades de color

en el centro de Texas proporcionando

educación culturalmente congruente

y apoyo mediante la partería

modelo de cuidado


Mujer de hermandad de color que rompe el capitalismo,

supremacía blanca, patriarcado y abuso institucional a través del liderazgo horizontal y enfoque en el bienestar de todo el cuerpo desde una perspectiva de justicia reproductiva


Hermandad de mujeres de color que interrumpe el capitalismo, la supremacía blanca, el patriarcado y el abuso institucional a través del liderazgo horizontal y se enfoca en el bienestar de todo el cuerpo desde una perspectiva de justicia reproductiva

Mejorar los resultados del embarazo y el parto para las comunidades de color en el centro de Texas al brindar educación y apoyo culturalmente congruentes utilizando el modelo de atención de partería.





La justicia reproductiva es "el derecho humano a mantener la autonomía corporal personal, tener hijos, no tener hijos y criar a los hijos que tenemos en comunidades seguras y sostenibles", Loretta Ross



Ofrecer servicios de apoyo integral a través de una lente de justicia reproductiva respaldada por el conocimiento del modelo de atención de partería.

Clínica de Bienestar

Oportunidad mensual para

consultas de bienestar por Profesional Certificado

Parteras, proveedores de homeopatía y

modalidades de curación grupal

Grupos de apoyo

Los grupos de apoyo de 8 semanas incluyen educación prenatal, clases de ejercicios, apoyo nutricional y acceso a acompañantes de parto (doulas) y una red de atención de partería sin costo.

Apoyo al nacimiento

Capacitación y certificación de acompañantes de nacimiento (doulas) para brindar apoyo culturalmente relevante y respetuoso a través de capacitación anual, educación continua y práctica práctica.


De nuestra comunidad

Griselda Martínez madre de Ava Valentina Martínez

After spending time doing Google searches for Black and Brown midwives and doulas in the Austin area I stumbled upon the Mama Sana Vibrant Woman website and from there sent an email inquiring about their support. I decided to sign up for their free prenatal support groups led by MSVW birth companion, Ellen Gonzalez. Ellen provided a wealth of resources and support about birthing techniques, best practices for advocating for yourself during childbirth (especially with the new COVID procedures) and preparing our home environment for a new baby.

Historias recomendadas contadas por

Activistas + Trabajadores de nacimiento + Padres

Black Reproductive Justice Activists on Black Lives Matter | NowThis

Black Reproductive Justice Activists on Black Lives Matter | NowThis

‘Really consider how you can call yourself pro-choice when your behavior may be anti-Black’ — These activists are sharing why Black Lives Matter is also a movement for reproductive justice » Subscribe to NowThis: » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: In US news and current events today, Black activists campaigning for reproductive justice are speaking out on why Black Lives Matter and reproductive rights are forever intertwined. Abortion rights is one of the most contentious issues in America today, as the anti choice, supposedly pro life side continues to wage war against those who are pro choice and in favor of letting women and people who reproduce to keep their bodily autonomy. The inequalities in our healthcare system also trickle down to abortion, as womens rights and womens health care are not meted out equally. To battle for civil rights and proclaim that Black Lives Matter, these activists from SisterSong and other organization argue, you must embrace reproductive justice and fight for Planned Parenthood and other organizations that are giving Black women and women of color the rights to do what they choose with their bodies. #SisterSong #ReproductiveJustice #BlackLivesMatter #News #NowThis #NowThisNews Connect with NowThis » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: » Find us on Snapchat Discover: NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. @nowthisnews
5 realistic SELF CARE ideas for BUSY MUMS  | Mindful Motherhood | Ysis Lorenna

5 realistic SELF CARE ideas for BUSY MUMS | Mindful Motherhood | Ysis Lorenna

Here are 5 realist self care ideas for busy mums or mums with no childcare. These are very simple things you can incorporate in your life to make self-care part of your schedule. For some tips on how to get started with self care, watch this video: ↠ MY SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram Facebook: http://www.facebook/ysislorenna Twitter: Blog: For collaborations & chats: For advertising enquiries: ↠ ABOUT ME Hi, I'm Ysis, Brazilian mum to James (4) and Isabella (2) living in Wales, UK. I post videos about mindful motherhood, intentional parenting, beauty and lifestyle. This year I am documenting my journey towards becoming a more mindful consumer and completely changing a lifetime of bad shopping habits. 💛 NEW VIDEOS: Monday & Friday My YouTube series Mindful Motherhood offers mothers a positive place to pause and reflect more deeply on parenting, learn techniques and share personal experiences of how to return to the now and be present as a mum by letting go of the overwhelming, multitasking, always busy ideal way of living in today's society. Join me for Mindful Motherhood videos every Monday! You can also find me on Channel Mum: ↠ FILMING EQUIPMENT Camera: Canon 70D Lens: Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 Lighting: Ring Light Sound: Rode Videomic Pro ↠ DISCLAIMER This is not a sponsored video. This video may contain PR samples, products gifted or paid for with gift vouchers/store credit. Some links are affiliate links. Production Music by Social Media Icons by
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